How To Grow Potatoes: The Guide To Choosing, Planting and Growing in Containers Or the Ground

How to Grow Potatoes book image“How To Grow Potatoes – The Guide To Choosing, Planting and Growing in Containers Or the Ground” is for anyone who wants to know how to grow their own delicious potatoes at home.

Growing potatoes can be easy but there are all sorts of pitfalls and problems which could potentially ruin your crop. This book provides you with a step by step guide to growing potatoes at home successfully. With the information in this book you will avoid the many problems people encounter when growing their own potatoes.

As you read this book you will learn all about the many different varieties of potatoes as well as exactly what they need to produce a bountiful crop for you. Not only that, but you will learn how to minimize the risk of loosing your crop and store your potatoes for use later in the year.

In “How To Grow Potatoes – The Guide To Choosing, Planting and Growing in Containers Or the Ground” you will learn:

  • How to select the best seed potatoes to get the best crop, including the difference between first earlies, second earlies and main crop potatoes
  • Why chitting your potatoes helps to produce a successful harvest
  • The pros and cons of planting your potatoes in the ground, raised beds, a greenhouse or containers
  • Exactly how to feed and water your potatoes for the best possible crop
  • The one thing you must do to ensure your potatoes produce a large crop – this can make a big difference in how many potatoes you harvest!
  • The best way to harvest and store your potatoes to prevent damage and rot
  • What potato blight is and how to avoid it plus the best ways to deal with it if it infects your crop
  • How to deal with the most common pests and diseases that affect potatoes
  • Some of the best varieties of potatoes on the market and their uses
  • How to grow sweet potatoes, a popular alternative to traditional potatoes
  • A number of delicious recipes to make with your home grown potatoes
  • Hints and tips to grow the best possible potatoes

growing potatoes piture
Potatoes are an extremely popular crop to grow at home and this book will help you to avoid the common frustrations a home gardener will face. When you’ve read this book you will have all the information you need to successfully grow as many potatoes as you want at home!

Enjoy growing your own potatoes as “How To Grow Potatoes – The Guide To Choosing, Planting and Growing in Containers Or the Ground” explains all about the potential pitfalls and how to avoid them. Discover today how to grow potatoes at home!


Growing Tomatoes From Side Shoots

When you grow tomato plants you will find plenty of side shoots coming off them, which are traditionally removed and thrown away.

However, these don’t have to be wasted and can be turned into new tomato plants. If it is later in the season then this technique won’t work because there isn’t the time for the tomato plant to mature, but early in the season this is a great way to get extra tomato plants.

I particularly like this technique for making more heritage or rare tomatoes. I bought some Black Russian tomato plants and they weren’t cheap so I only got two but I took the side shoots off and grew them on and ended up with about a dozen plants. The tomatoes from the side shoots tend to mature later in the season, but it does mean you get a nice late crop of tomatoes! You may benefit from keeping these in a greenhouse or on a windowsill so they get the heat they need to ripen.

It’s very easy to propagate these side shoots.

Firstly you need to choose a good sized side shoot and then very carefully pinch it off. I would recommend using scissors or secateurs but be very careful not to damage the main stem.

pinching off tomato shoots

Then you need to put the shoot in a glass or water on a sunny window sill and leave it for a few days.

growing tomato side shoots

When a good root system has established it can be removed from the glass of water and planted on.

Tomato Roots Close up

These are then planted on as normal.

Tomato Seedlings In Pot

Simple isn’t it?

Of course you are going to get a lot of these side shoots and it isn’t practical to grow them all on. Many of them you will simply discard but for expensive tomato varieties or if you realise you have some spare space this is a great way to get extra tomato plants.

Remember to check out my book on growing tomatoes for more practical tips on growing a fantastic crop at home – Growing Tomatoes – Your Guide To Growing Delicious Tomatoes At Home!
